
Marc Bichler at OECD workshop on Inclusive Growth
  • April 05, 2013

UNCDF’s Executive Secretary Marc Bichler intervened in the opening session of the OECD workshop on Inclusive Growth, after introductory remarks by OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria and Ford Foundation President Luis Ubiñas. In his remarks - building on UNCDF’s recent ‘Inclusive Future’ report - Mr. Bichler insisted on the need to address financial inclusion as a key dimension of inequality. He also highlighted the importance of fostering local development finance as a way to unleash the potential of local governments and promote more balanced territorial development.

The OECD Inclusive Growth event brought together senior policymakers and experts from a wide range of sectors and countries and is part of the ‘Inclusive Growth initiative’ launched with the support of the Ford Foundation. The initiative is part of OECD’s renewed efforts to identify policies that are both conducive to growth and inclusiveness. “Rising unemployment and increasing inequalities have been around since long before the global economic crisis generated deep social concerns. It is time to change this reality and make better policies to achieve inclusive growth” said Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General.