
UNCDF’s Head of Policy intervenes at the Urban Institute
  • April 09, 2013

UNCDF’s Head of Policy, Nicola Crosta, addressed an audience of policymakers and researchers on the topic of inequality and the post-2015 framework. In his remarks - building on UNCDF’s recent Inclusive Future’ report - Mr Crosta insisted on the need to address inequality as a critical development challenge for both advanced and developing countries and to integrate inclusion as a key element of the development framework that will succeed the current Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The talk was organized by the Urban Institute and chaired by Mr. Charles Cadwell, Director, Urban Institute Center on International Development and Governance. Comments on Mr Crosta’s keynote speech were delivered by Mr. Steven Feldstein, Director of the Office of Policy at the United States Agency for International Development and Mr. Michael Klosson, Vice President for Policy and Humanitarian Response for Save the Children.

The workshop is part of UNCDF’s active participation in the discussion on the post-2015 development framework and in particular on how inclusion (especially financial and territorial) could be captured as a key objective for the future. This event was attended by about two hundred participants at Urban Institute’s HQ and on-line. The video recording and additional information are available at: