
Declaring 2015 as The International Year Of Evaluation

At the UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) Annual General Meeting held in April 2013, UNEG has decided to join EvalPartners[1] in declaring 2015 as International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear).

2015 was identified as a strategic year as the evaluation community seeks to mainstream evaluation in the development and implementation of the forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals.

EvalYear will position evaluation in the policy arena by being a catalyst for important conversations and thinking, at international, regional, national, and sub-national level, on the role of evaluation in good governance for equitable and sustainable human development.

The Evaluation Unit will be sharing with you relevant updates on the progress and preparations for EvalYear. We welcome any suggestions and ideas on how UNCDF could best contribute and make the most out of this important initiative in the LDCs where we are present as well as at regional and global levels.

[1] EvalPartners is an innovative partnership of 34 organizations, including UN agencies, OECD/DAC countries, private Foundations and Development Banks, designed to enhance capacities to influence policy makers, public opinion and other key stakeholders so that public policies are based on evidence, and incorporate considerations of equity and effectiveness. For additional information on EvalPartners, please visit