
Creating Sustainable National and Local Level Financing Models for Climate Change Adaptation and Environment
  • November 20, 2013

In the framework of the 19th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-19) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Ministry of Environment, Poland and UNCDF organized an event on "Creating Sustainable National and Local Level Financing Models for Climate Change Adaptation and Environment."

The objective of the joint event was two-fold: on side it aimed at presenting the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management of Poland as a proven and replicable mechanism for establishing country-level sustainable investments, the Fund could also be a source of inspiration for the Board of the Green Climate Fund when deciding through which instruments projects are going to be funded by the GCF. On the other side, at demonstrating LoCAL as an effective solution for tackling the climate change related challenges faced by local governments and to illustrate the importance of the local government ‘financing window’ in the global climate finance architecture.

The discussion offered strong arguments for involving local governments in the global climate change response. Equally, the event demonstrated that a strengthening of local processes and procedures is required to ensure that resources are used to best achieve their intended purpose.

The event format was a moderated panel. Speakers and participants discussed the importance of local climate financing and the necessary institutional arrangements which lead to effective local adaptation/local resilience-building.

Participants included senior representatives from governments and national and international institutions working in the fields of the environment, climate finance and adaptation:

  • Mr. Olgierd Dziekonski, Secretary of State, Office of the President of Poland.
  • Mrs. Aneta Wilmanska, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment, Poland.
  • Mrs. Malgorzata Skucha, CEO, The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Poland.
  • Mr. Christopher Kaczmarski, Senior Technical Advisor, UN Capital Development Fund.
  • Mr. Tove Goldman, Policy Specialist Climate Change, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Sweden.
  • Mr. Magnus Magnusson, UNCDF Chief, Partnerships and Communication Unit (Moderator).