UNCDF’s Head of Policy Nicola Crosta delivered a keynote speech in the opening session of the conference on “Good Governance and the post-2015 Agenda”, sharing the panel with representatives from National Governments and international organizations.
In his remarks - building on UNCDF’s ‘Inclusive Future’ report - Mr Crosta insisted on the urgency to tackle inequality and the importance to ensure that the emerging post-2015 development framework will be conducive to inclusive growth.
He also highlighted the importance of on-going innovations in development finance and of the discussion taking place at the UN on ‘financing for development’.
In the same panel, Hon. Dr Ato Arthur, Member of the Parliament of Ghana and Dr. Maren Lipps of Germany's Foreign Affairs Ministry insisted on the importance to fully include local actors in the design and implementation of the post-2015 agenda.
The event was organized by the Development and Peace Foundation and supported by the Minister of Federal Affairs, Europe and the media of North Rhine-Westphalia.
It brought together senior policymakers and experts from a wide range of sectors and countries.