
UNCDF at the Table of the Global Discussion on Financing for Development
  • December 06, 2013

UNCDF participated, alongside other UN agencies, in the second session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing at the UN Headquarters. The Committee was established under the auspices of the UN General Assembly and is tasked to prepare a report by September 2014 proposing options on an effective sustainable development financing strategy to facilitate the mobilization of resources and their effective use in achieving sustainable development objectives.

The Committee works in close co-ordination with the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals which is mandated to provide recommendations on a set of  sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

During the event attended by UNCDF, the co-chairs of the Committee – Amb. Pertti Majanen (Finland) and Mr. Mansur Muhtar (Nigeria) -  provided an update on the work of this body which started last August.

They announced that substantive discussions within the Committee have already started focusing in particular on: 1) Assessing financing needs, mapping of current flows and emerging trends, and the impact of domestic and international environments; and 2) Mobilisation of resources and their effective use.

The Committee works behind closed doors but will continue to convene regular meetings with relevant UN agencies and other stakeholders, also at the regional level. UNCDF will continue to participate in these consultations and provide input as relevant.