
SE4ALL Brown Bag Session

We are pleased to invite you to an SE4ALL brown bag session on Nepal’s post-earthquake recovery efforts and the role of energy access and microfinance. This will be on 19th May, Tuesday, 12:20 – 1:50 at Columbus Circle (room), Sheraton Times Square Hotel

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will share the latest on-the-ground situation in Nepal based their rapid response efforts, and their recovery coordination with the Government of Nepal, UN agencies and the international aid community, and highlight the importance of integrating disaster risk reduction into energy access policy and programming to safeguard development gains.

The Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC) – nodal agency for promoting the renewable energy sector in Nepal – will share the energy situation in earthquake affected areas and how AEPC plans to support recovery efforts.

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), which works closely with four financial service providers in Nepal to provide financing for clean energy to low-income clients through the CleanStart Programme, will share updates from its partners on the relief and recovery support being extended to affected clients, and how microfinance for clean energy can be integrated into these efforts such as bundling housing with energy loans.

We look forward to hearing your ideas on how energy access can be integrated in Nepal’s relief and recovery efforts.


20 to 30 minutes: Updates from UNDP, AEPC and UNCDF
30 to 40 minutes: Q&A and discussions with the audience


Bahareh Seyedi, Policy Specialist, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, UNDP
Surya Kumar Sapkota, Assistant Director, AEPC
Vincent Wierda, CleanStart Programme Manager, UNCDF 

Refreshments will be served. The room accommodates up to 60 people. Please RSVP to