
The Government of Andorra has contributed €15,000 to the UNCDF's Last Mile Finance Trust Fund

  • April 17, 2017

  • New York, USA

The Government of Andorra has contributed EUR 15,000 to the Green Economy window of the UNCDF's Last Mile Finance Trust Fund, a multi-partner trust fund to support Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in their pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals and their graduation targets in the context of the Istanbul Programme of Action.

The Last Mile Finance Trust Fund is structured as a flexible funding vehicle for UNCDF to allocate resources to the “last mile” – where development challenges are the greatest and where resources are most scarce – through thematic windows highly relevant to LDC development opportunities and challenges. The five thematic windows of the trust fund are the Green Economy; Food Security and Nutrition; Infrastructure and Services; Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth; and Financial Inclusion Platforms and Technology/Innovation Frontiers.

They represent areas where UNCDF is proving the concept of workable public/ private finance models that address barriers to access in the last mile. They build on previously established and/or evolving partnerships with UNDP, other UN system partners, and international development banks, and across the public and private spheres. In addition, the Trust Fund has a Country Expansion window to enable UNCDF to take its finance models into the maximum number of LDCs possible and to strengthen programmes in LDCs based on demand.

Andorra is a long-time partner of UNCDF, contributing to UNCDF's regular resources during the period of 2007-2013. The Government is pleased to support LoCAL and CleanStart programmes, both of which are relevant to the green economy as they help reduce the vulnerability of local communities to climate change and lead to the sustainable use of resources.