
Exploring MicroLead's DFS Toolkits

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Presentation by MFI and FSP managers who contributed to the development of the Digital Financial Services Toolkits -- the challenges they faced, and how they solved them.

The six DFS Toolkits were developed in consultation with MicroLead partners and other financial service providers who have been working with various digital finance models. When properly implemented, digital financial services (DFS) can provide increased access and convenience for remote clients, particularly when it comes to small savings deposits. But implementing digital financial services can be challenging. There are a bewildering mix of choices, all dependent on factors such as external and internal infrastructures, the financial service provider’s (FSP’s) resources, and the local and institutional cultures.

The goals of this series of toolkits are to (i) help financial institutions identify financially sustainable DFS business lines that fit their needs; (ii) provide practical tools that financial institutions can use in their journey towards digital finance; and (iii) share learnings from the DFS experiences of MicroLead partners and other financial institutions.

The toolkits are designed for microfinance and FSP managers who are considering implementing digital finance, and are looking for guidance in the type of model to use and how best to implement.

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