
Case Study: Maximizing the Impact of Spontaneous U-SACCO-Savings Group Linkages

  • May 26, 2017

  • Kigali, Rwanda

World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) received funding through UNCDF’s MicroLead programme to support the consolidation of Rwanda’s Umurenge SACCOs (U-SACCOs) to promote increased sustainability of these small institutions and increase access to savings in rural Rwanda.

But WOCCU made an unexpected discovery during programme implementation. Thirty-three thousand one hundred and seventy-six groups. $5,183,334 in formal savings accounts.

Linking savings groups to financial institutions had been a goal for UNCDF that was incorporated into other country programmes. It was, however, not a component of the Rwanda MicroLead programme. Yet it was happening spontaneously through the Rwandan U-SACCOs.

In this case study, learn how the U-SACCOs linked to savings groups, increasing access to financial services in rural areas and building a stronger financial foundation for the U-SACCOs.

Download the case study from WOCCU and UNCDF/MicroLead below.