Download the Case Study: Client Journey Mapping
Through UNCDF’s MicroLead programme, Opportunity International and Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans tested a dynamic approach to understanding and improving the client experience: client journey mapping.
A client journey map is a diagram or flowchart depicting the steps a person takes to become aware of, procure, and use a product or service. Often – as is the case with the technique presented by 17 Triggers at the UNCDF workshop in 2015 – the map incorporates challenges a client faces along the way and identifies when a prospective client might drop out of the journey.
“What difficulties do clients face in accessing Sinapi loans and savings products, and how can these difficulties best be remedied?”
While client journey mapping is not new, this technique is particularly relevant to diving into the details of what might hinder less literate clients – particularly women – from using alternative delivery channels that are rapidly becoming a major path to financial inclusion. With a more detailed understanding of the client experience, Sinapi managers are making immediate changes to improve client service – from enhanced information flow to eliminating fees on SMS transaction confirmation.
This case study shares the Opportunity-Sinapi experience with client journey mapping, along with the lessons learned. Download it now, below.