Calls for Applications

RfA: Enhancing Livelihoods through Savings Groups in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, Tanzania

  • October 19, 2017

  • Calls for Applications


The proliferation of savings groups has been a key driver of financial inclusion in Tanzania, particularly for women, contributing to a nearly threefold increase in women’s financial inclusion between 2006 and 2013 (from 14.4% to 51.2%). By February 2015, the cumulative number of savings group members in the country was expected to reach 1.2 million. Because the poorest people and those in the most remote areas are not always served by formal service providers, savings groups provide a convenient, trustworthy and affordable way to smooth irregular incomes, save for a goal, and access small loans. The potential exists for savings groups to have the same impact for refugee populations. The refugees in Nyarugusu, both Congolese and Burundian, are largely displaced low-income rural populations with similar socio-economic profiles to their host community. Although not all refugees have (or believe they have) the means to save, many segments of the population have demonstrated that they can, regardless of perceived capacity.

The purpose of this exploratory request for applications (RFA) is to support UNCDF and its partners to engage in the creation and strengthening of new and existing savings groups in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp in Kigoma, Tanzania. This RFA is intentionally brief and applicants will be evaluated based on a few key components.

The expected result is that UNCDF will partner with one or more of the shortlisted organizations to (i) form 60 new savings groups, targeting a mix of populations within the camps (youth, women, economically active), (ii) strengthen existing groups in the camp, collaborating with UNCDF on the development of financial education tools and modules and (iii) collect baseline data on these savings groups at an individual and group level.

UNCDF is interested in working in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp for this initial pilot, with the potential to eventually expand programming into Mtendeli and Nduta Camps.


Deadline for submission: 5 September 2017

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