UNCDF Myanmar enjoyed a productive and eventful June Quarter, achieving a number of financial inclusion objectives.
In Digital Financial Services (DFS), we continue to capacitate financial service providers and regulators, leading big data training workshops at the Financial Regulatory Deparment and Central Bank. UNCDF also led two workshops which saw marked progress in policy development of the universal “One Household, One Account”.
In Gender, we developed a framework for assessment of barriers and enablers of women’s economic empowerment (PoWER). Q2 also saw significant progress made toward additional MFI financing agreements through the Market Development Facility (MDF).
UNCDF’s commitment toward Financial Inclusion Roadmap implementation also remains strong, reaffirmed in June by our delivery of the highly-antipicated Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) framework. We continue to engage with stakeholders at every level to achieve our financial inclusion targets and create maximum impact.