This paper showcases the Association for Social Advancement (ASA) model which has achieved much success in fostering the development of strong financial habits throughout Asia, applying a standardised microfinance model. The paper aims at highlighting the most successful characteristics of the ASA model, with a hope that such successes can be replicated by more MFIs to strengthen the sector in Myanmar and boost regional sustainability.
Ultimately the paper aims at coordinating the efforts of development partners working in Myanmar. It will briefly showcase other successful cases of microfinance implementation in Myanmar.
This series of knowledge products lies within the scope of UNCDF MicroLead Expansion programme in Myanmar, a four-year (2014-2017), USD 7 million programme funded by the Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT). By the end of 2017, UNCDF MicroLead aims to increase sustainable access to appropriate demand-driven financial services (with a focus on savings) to more than 100,000 low-income people in Myanmar, half of whom should be women and half of whom should live in rural areas.
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