In order to support the government of Myanmar in the implementation process of the Financial Inclusion Roadmap, UNCDF developed the “Expanding Financial Access (EFA) Programme” - planning its forthcoming action in target areas. A key component of EFA is to develop the capacity of selected financial services providers. This is why UNCDF was requested by the government to support the cooperative sector. ACCU was tapped as the technical partner of the training project.
Attended by Deputy Directors of the department, this workshop reviewed cooperative development strategy, and the existing training programs and supports to cooperatives. The session aimed to address the possible performance deficiencies of agricultural cooperatives on loan mitigation, bookkeeping/financial management, lack of autonomy and a failure to utilize best practice.
Furthermore, the session delivered and shared with attendees various presentations on the best cooperative practices implemented by cooperatives around the world, in order to highlight the important role that cooperatives today are playing in improving lives.
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