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UNCDF Myanmar had an eventful 3rd quarter as it continues to work toward its financial inclusion targets: 40% formal financial inclusion and 15% of the population using more than one financial product, by 2020.
UNCDF’s Market Development Facility signed another financing agreement with Entrepreneurs du Monde, and strives toward enabling a market-driven Microfinance funding environment. In Digital Financial Services, the One Household, One Account policy was refined and is beginning to take shape. Progress was also made in Gender, with UNCDF hosting a workshop on the Women’s Market and Workforce Gender Diversity for Financial Service Providers. UNCDF staff spoke at a number of high-level events, including Programme Specialist Rajeev Kumar Gupta at the Myanmar Banking & Payments Conference, and Myanmar Country Coordinator Paul Luchtenburg at the ACCU Regional Forum in Colombo. We conducted quarterly monitoring visits to our MicroLead partners ASA, ACCU and Alliance, and held preparatory consultations for the Refresh of the Making Access Possible (MAP) Financial Inclusion Diagnostic planned for early 2018.
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