Case study: The route-to-market strategy of MoKash into rural areas
For more information, please contact:
Naomi De Groot
KM Consultant, Uganda
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Digital credit and savings in Uganda
In August 2016 MoKash was launched. A first of its kind digital credit and savings product in Uganda, developed by MTN and Commercial Bank of Africa (CBA). And UNCDF ensured the development of a tailor-made product, with the usage of human-centred design. An approach that has ensured the uptake of MoKash, especially in rural areas and amongst women.
One year later, over 2.5 million Ugandans had registered for MoKash. Most of these people get small loans for around UGX 10,000 (around USD 2,80) and repay after one month.
UNCDF released a case study on the route-to-market strategy of MoKash, especially in rural areas.
Why do Ugandans value MoKash?
Finally, a product that enables them to conduct transactions by themselves, instead of going to a bank branch that can be hours travel away. This allows for quick and easy transactions. And gives people the privacy they need; no one has to know that you need a loan. Also, no one has to know that you have some savings.
The fact that customers only need a (basic) mobile phone and an MTN Mobile Money account makes it suitable for remote rural areas, where banks do not have branches and therefore access to financial services is very limited.
Customer-centred approach
Part of the successful launch of MoKash has to do with the product design. Customer feedback in the design phase of the product was a very valuable resource. In-depth research on segment-specific needs enabled MTN to fine-tune the market positioning of MoKash, a product that would answer the needs of women, farmers and micro-entrepreneurs, particularly in rural areas.
This latest UNCDF case study from Uganda showcases a practical example on how human-centred design can be applied to the development of a financial product targeting specific market segments. Valuable lessons for anyone who is interested in how to better create products aimed at improving livelihoods of people in developing countries.
Read though the case study here.