The Integrated Results and Resources Matrix (IRRM) translates the UNCDF Strategic Framework 2018-2021 into results that allow UNCDF and stakeholders to monitor and assess its key achievements, draw lessons, and hold the organization accountable for its development contributions.
The IRRM is part of UNCDF’s results-based management system, which also includes conducting regular internal thematic assessments; programme and financial reviews; case studies; and external evaluations. Together, the results-based management system supports informed, evidence-based decision-making and management of the full range of UNCDF’s interventions.
The IRRM follows the theory of change proposed in the Strategic Framework, with a three-tier results structure – 1) impact; 2) outcome; and 3) outputs. It also presents indicators on institutional effectiveness centred on UNCDF’s 1) financing model and capital resources; 2) partnerships with public and private stakeholders; 3) management; 4) people, and 5) knowledge, communications, and advocacy.
UNCDF commissioned an external review of its results-based measurement system, financed by UNDP’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) in 2017. In general, the review found the IRRM 2014-2017 to be well aligned with the Strategic Framework and for it to be a cost-effective system. Gender equality and women’s empowerment were found to be well embedded in the IRRM following its update in 2016, but with room for further improvement. At the same time, the review also presented some technical recommendations for improvement; these have been addressed in the current IRRM as follows:
- Reduce complexity: UNCDF has reduced the levels of results and number of indicators from 16 levels (3 outcomes, 6 outputs, 7 institutional effectiveness) and 80 indicators in the last IRRM (2014-2017) to 11 levels (1 impact, 2 outcomes, 3 outputs, 5 institutional effectiveness) and 51 indicators in the proposed IRRM (2018-2021).
- Reflect evolving theories of change especially on market systems development & partnerships: To better capture the evolution in UNCDF’s work as it relates to building inclusive markets and finance systems and unlocking public and private finance, the IRRM introduces market and systems development indicators under the outcome level and reinforces partnership and leverage indicators under output 2.
- Ensure clearer results attribution and visible links between resources and results: UNCDF has introduced more robust measurements of UNCDF’s capital investments and leverage under output 1 and outcome 2, disaggregated by diversified investment tools.
- Integrate presentation of results: Rather than focusing on results by each of UNCDF’s two practice areas, UNCDF has now integrated financial inclusion and local development finance results in support of the two outcomes areas of market and systems development and unlocking finance for the poor.
- Annual targets for results: UNCDF introduced annual targets for indicators based on past results trends in connection with resource estimates.