New Case Study from UNCDF MicroLead: Pafupi Savings
UNCDF’s MicroLead programme team is proud to introduce its newest case study: Pafupi Savings: Expanding Financial Inclusion to Rural Women.
In 2012, NBS Bank in Malawi found itself at a critical junction as a new management team came on board and faced a range of challenges, from deteriorating loan quality to outdated IT systems to currency devaluation. That same year, the bank piloted agency banking, the first of its kind in Malawi, and received support from MicroLead to develop Pafupi Savings, roll it out nationally, and reach unbanked women in rural areas. While the market potential was undeniable, was this the right time for the bank to bet on the unbanked?
This case explores the introduction of the tailored savings account, Pafupi Savings, designed to expand access for low-income and unbanked people in rural areas, especially women. Pafupi Savings relies on agency banking, mobile technology and community-based marketing to reach rural women where they are.
You can download this case study and others from MicroLead partners free here:
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About MicroLead
MicroLead is a joint initiative of UNCDF and Mastercard Foundation challenging regulated FSPs to develop and roll-out deposit services which respond to the rural vacuum of services. With additional support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the LIFT Fund in Myanmar, MicroLead works with a variety of FSPs and technical service providers to reach rural markets, particularly women, with demand-driven, responsibly priced products offered via alternative delivery channels such as rural agents, mobile phones, roving agents, point of sales devices and group linkages. This is combined with financial education, so customers not only have access but can effectively use quality services.
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