
UNCDF LFI Case Study No.1: Mwenge

  • February 24, 2021

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


To realize inclusive growth, countries should have the capacity and resources to mobilize, allocate and account for capital flows to “last mile” pockets where poverty is entrenched, economic opportunities are limited, and development plans under-funded. Concurrently, local communities should have access to capital to fund their local development needs and respond to growing demands for better infrastructure, services, and jobs.

Yet, in many least developed countries (LDCs), local savings are not invested locally or limited investment is provided for local development because of lack of con dence from nanciers and track record of successful transactions. Innovative nancing mechanisms coupled with UNCDF risk mitigation instruments help reveal markets to a wider pool of investors; and thereby crowd-in non-traditional funders, public and private, into new areas.

In 2012, UNCDF launched the Local Finance Initiative (LFI), a “last mile” nance model aiming to unlock nance so that local development projects can get to “closure.” The purpose of LFI is to correct market failures and attract catalytic capital for the investments that are not being picked up by existing public or private investors. Therefore, LFI does not seek to crowd out the private sector and provide public subsidies for those investments that would be likely to attract investment without its support.

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