
Welcoming our Partners
  • September 08, 2014

Partners are starting to arrive in Kigali and settling in before we begin tomorrow morning with our first session. Lots will be shared these next few days and later tonight when our partners and key stakeholders gather around for a welcome reception at the Umubano Hotel. To commemorate the occasion, we have created a video presentation to thank our partners for all of their hard work with YouthStart. During the past four years our team and our partners gathered many pictures during trainings, events, field visits, client transactions, and more. We compiled a few of these photos to highlight the faces behind YouthStart including the team of financial services providers (FSPs), the Youth Champions, and the UNCDF-YouthStart team and consultants who worked closely with the FSPs. More importantly, you will see the faces of the youth who have been served over the years including a few proud young entrepreneurs. We hope you enjoy watching this video as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Be sure to come back tomorrow to hear the words of youth and our partners in new video posts.