LoCAL Activitiesat at Village Level in Nepal
The following climate change adaptation activities for improved climate resilience of existing small infrastructure works in the Village Development Committee and communities are planned:
Rupendhahi district, community members of village meeting
1. Existing Rural Road Projects: The PBCR Grants cannot be used to increase the length of the road nor for new road construction. The grant can also not be used for heavy equipment based construction and for improved climate resilience of existing rural roads constructed with equipment-based technology.
2. Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene: The PBCR Grants can be used to make water supply schemes more climate-resilient in terms of access to water sources, storage capacity and design features, protection against floods and erosion (extreme weather events), as well as for improved community sanitation and waste management activities.
3. Small-scale Irrigation Projects: The PBCR Grants can be used to improve the climate resilience of the small-scale irrigation projects in terms of access to water sources, storage capacity and design features, protection against floods and erosion (extreme weather events), and water efficiency improvements.
Meeting on experienced climate impacts with community members.
4. Public and Community Buildings (e.g. school, health post, community center): The PBCR Grant cannot be used to make the building bigger (more rooms) or for structural improvements but can be used to improve the climate resilience of the building through location studies (geotechnical, environmental, flood levels), strengthening the roof to withstand extreme weather events, improvement of drainage, erosion protection and slope stabilization measures, (bio-engineering), increasing floor level or providing small embankments for protection against flooding, provision of water supply system and sanitation services.
5. River Training and Erosion Protection Works, Slope Stabilization measures to protect communities: The PBCR Grant can be used to improve the climate resilience of communities through river training works and erosion protection, especially bio-engineering, of local streams, slope stabilization measures (extreme weather events), measures to protect agricultural land and agricultural produce (storage facilities) from floods, erosion or landslides, community-based forest protection and conservation measures, including the prevention of illegal logging and pouching, development of forest fire alarm and fire-fighting response system.