
Achieving Development and Acceptance of an Open and Inclusive Digital Payments Infrastructure

  • August 29, 2018


A report by the Better Than Cash Alliance for the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion

This guidance note serves as input for the GPFI Policy Guide developed under Argentine Presidency 2018 with the overarching topic of digitization and informality.

Developed for financial inclusion policymakers and payment service regulators, it proposes policy options and practical actions that can help moving toward developing open and inclusive digital payment infrastructures, while also incentivizing the acceptance and use of digital payments.

Endorsed by the G20 finance ministers, the note outlines the role of such infrastructures in the evolving financial services landscape, along with the issues in the establishment and beneficial use of such infrastructures. Additionally, a set of practical options is included to help guide government officials in crafting policies and actions for the progressive development of their national payment infrastructures.

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