UNCDF is seeking applications from qualified consultants/consulting firms with the capacity to conduct country assessment of the remittance market in DRC. The assessment will follow the framework established for the assessment in the ‘Remittance toolkit for Forcibly Displaced’ developed by UNCDF and UNHCR to examine the access, cost and flow of inbound and outbound domestic/international remittances for forcibly displaced populations, including IDPs, and host communities.
The assessment should be able to capture the supply and demand side constraints that, especially, forcibly displaced face when accessing regulated remittance channels and provide recommendations to address the barriers.
The deliverable prepared by the consultants/consulting firm will be made public and also used by UNCDF and UNHCR (internally) to inform the development of UNCDF-UNHCR strategy and approaches that addresses the structural and contextual barriers to access regulated remittance channels at affordable costs.
The overall duration of the work is expected to take up to 6 months
Applications and RFA Calendar
- Publication date: 09/28/2018 (Sep 28th, 2018)
- Final deadline for applications: 10/19/2018 (Oct 19th, 2018)
Applications should be returned to the UNCDF by email at amil.aneja@uncdf.org and carlos.escriva@uncdf.org no later than midnight on 10/19/2018 Eastern Time (ET).
Applications must follow the submission format as outlined in Annex 1 of this RFA.