Assessing new youth-focused products: Pilot testing financial and non-financial Services for youth in sub-Saharan Africa
This paper was made possible by the generous support of The MasterCard Foundation. It is based on the pilot test plans, quarterly reports and monitoring visit reports of ten financial service providers that participate in YouthStart: ACSI, CMS, FCPB, FINCA DRC, FINCA Uganda, OBM, PAMECAS, PEACE, UFT and UCU. Special thanks also go to those who provided comments to this paper: Rani Deshpande (Save the Children), Jennifer Harley (MEDA), Danielle Hopkins (Independent consultant), Sean Kline (Reach Global), Jessica Massie (Independent consultant), Beth Porter (UNCDF), Lara Storm (Making Cents International) and Paula Storch Tjossem (The MasterCard Foundation).