Project Documents

Local Governance and Decentralised Service Delivery (LG-DSD)

  • October 18, 2017

  • Project Documents


The UN Joint Programme on Local Governance and Decentralised Service Delivery for Somalia is a 5 year Programme of ILO, UNCDF, UNDP, UN-HABITAT and UNICEF. The Programme is aligned to the programming frameworks of the Somalia Reconstruction and Development Programme 2008-12 and the UN Transition Plan 2008-9. It is envisaged to achieve as wide coverage in Somalia as resources and conditions allow with a comprehensive approach to rendering local governments as credible and professional service providers, increasing public investment in basic services, and strengthening civic awareness and participation in local decision-making and development.

The strategy pursued will comprise: (i) policy and legal frameworks for decentralisation, local government, service provision and land, (ii) institutionalising local government systems, vertical and horizontal inter-government linkages and civic education initiatives, (iii) investment in public services and goods through testing the Local Development Fund model, direct service provision and promotion of public- private partnerships, and (iv) processes and systems for housing, land and property disputes and resolution. Throughout the Programme, strong emphasis will be placed on gender and women in local government, human rights and local governance, and good governance principles of transparency, accountability and participation.

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