Calls for Applications

RfA: Expanding Financial Access & Digital and Financial Literacy for Refugees and Host Community in Rwanda

  • March 20, 2019

  • Calls for Applications


Final Deadline for Applications: March 22nd 2019


In Rwanda, UNCDF is embarking on the implementation of its ‘Expanding Financial Access & Digital and Financial Literacy for Refugees’ programme in and around selected refugee camps. The programme aims to increase access to finance for refugees through savings groups, financial education, and digital literacy.

The purpose of this RfA is to recruit individual(s) and or firm(s) (hereafter referred to as the Consultant) to support UNCDF in developing technology-based financial and digital literacy materials to teach users new skills that will allow them to better manage their household finances and gain confidence using digital financial services. UNCDF seeks applications from individual(s) or firm(s) proposing creative, cost-effective and scalable ways to build digital literacy and financial capability using technology.

The expected result is that UNCDF will partner with one or more of the shortlisted organizations to 1) identify and prioritize behavioral learning objectives to test and verify the delivery mechanism in our Rwanda programme, 2) develop a prototype of the materials/delivery mechanism, 3) test and update the prototype for use in UNCDF programs and as a public good, 4) develop a pricing plan for adaptation, expansion of modules and use by other programs, and 5) create an M&E dashboard and collect data on use of the tools on an ongoing basis.


The overall duration of the initial work (prototype development only, not full app) is expected to take up to 3 months; the expected date of full completion is no later than August 31st, 2019.

  • Publication Date: February 15th 2019
  • Final Deadline for Applications: March 22nd 2019


  • Applications and any consultation about this RFA should be submitted via email at:
  • The subject line of the email should be: RFA Rwanda: Digital and Financial Literacy for Refugees and Host Community.

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