Project Documents

Building an Inclusive Financial Sector in Mozambique (BIFSMO)

  • December 20, 2017

  • Project Documents


Situated in the Southern African region, Mozambique has a population of 18.9 million inhabitants for 800,000 square kilometers. Despite many progress made, the country still ranked 168 out of 177 for the HDI. The financial sector is very exclusive mainly in rural areas. The penetration rate is around 1.2%. However two major programs are ongoing to support the development of the financial sector: the Rural Finance Support Program (34.3 million USD) funded by IFAD and ADB and the Financial Sector Technical Assistance Program (17.8 million USD) funded by IDA, DfID, World Bank, ADB and KfW. Based on our gap analysis of the sector, our current program will contribute to the achievement of the MDGs, and to the UNDAF by mainly supporting outcome 1.7 “Institutions responsible for the promotion of pro – poor and sustainable economic development strengthened” through the following output 1.7.2 Community access to business and financial services, disaggregated by district, area and beneficiaries (in particular women and other marginalized groups) increased”.

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