Calls for Applications

EoI: Women’s Digital and Financial Literacy Challenge

  • May 01, 2019

  • Calls for Applications


The Government of the Union of Myanmar intends to expand its National Social Protection Program, including the Maternal and Child Cash Transfer (MCCT) program, to a national scale over the next several years. For the programme to be efficient and nationwide, it will require a digital delivery component, either to a mobile accessible account (wallet or bank) or an over the counter code delivery mechanism. One of the most challenging obstacles to programme expansion is the digital and financial literacy of low income, rural women to use the service with minimal explanation from the financial service provider about how to use the product. While smartphone penetration is high across the country, a large number of electronic cash transfer (ECT) beneficiaries also do not have direct access to a data-enabled smartphone.

Humanitarian and development organizations delivering electronic cash transfers have identified digital literacy as one of the bottlenecks in the expansion and sustainability of ECT activities in Myanmar. Lack of digital capability makes the implementation of ECT activities costlier and more resource consuming. Additionally, lower levels of financial literacy are harmful at the demand-side, with beneficiaries being more prone to harmful financial decisions.

Launch of Call for Expressions of Interest: 12 April 2019

Applications Due: 2 May 2019

The target of this Innovation Fund Window is to adapt and expand existing digital solutions for teaching digital and financial literacy for low-income women beneficiaries, or potential beneficiaries of electronic cash transfers (ECT) programmes such as the MCCT. The final product must be in Burmese language, with the ability to translate to other languages. The solution must also be DFS provider agnostic, as a product that can be adapted to different situations once the programme reaches a national level. It should also take into consideration that many beneficiaries will not have direct access to a data enabled smartphone but still need to be reached, and propose appropriate distribution options.

The Innovation Fund Window is divided in three phases:

  1. Application phase consists of the submission of your project idea of how you will create or adapt already available digital literacy solutions to the needs of low-income women.
  2. Prototyping phase consists of working with selected applicants to consult with the different stakeholders involved in electronic cash transfers in Myanmar and design and testing of a prototype in the market. UNCDF will provide a maximum of 15,000 USD for this design and testing phase, based on an agreed budget.
  3. Scaling phase will be limited to applicants whose product shows particular promise for scale. Selected organizations will need to develop a business plan and a budget for the marketing costs and scaling of the innovation. UNCDF will provide an additional grant of between 50,000 USD to 150,000 USD for the uptake of the innovation.

The content for digital literacy should, at minimum, help the beneficiaries to increase their ability to understand and use digital tools. Initiatives can relate to financial literacy, account opening, selecting a provider, security, digital literacy, or other relevant areas, and may also include adapting content to a specific state or language requirement. The content should be taught in a simple and engaging way, which is relevant to rural women.

The applicants are encouraged to provide a sustainable revenue model for the company, that aligns incentives for content and delivery improvements for better uptake of digital financial services.

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