Calls for Applications

RfA: Development of a digital solution for young entrepreneurs

  • May 14, 2019

  • Calls for Applications



The purpose of this RFA is to select a qualified technical partner (FinTech, consulting firms, technical providers, non-profit organizations etc.) committed, ready and able to develop a digital solution with a double objective:

  1. To help young entrepreneurs improve their business management by formalizing and tracking their business information
  2. To enable FSPs to have access to real time information on the financial health of those young entrepreneurs to improve their lending decisions

The digital solution could be tested with target beneficiaries of UNCDF sponsored Programmes in The Gambia (JSF Programme) with the objective of giving them a tool to better manage their business funds and eventually access additional financial services for their future endeavours; it will then be scaled up with other target clients. The selected partner will closely work with three (3) FSPs in The Gambia: key targets in terms of final entrepreneurs benefitting from the solution are 12,000. Depending on the solution created and project outcomes, there is the possibility to extend the solution to additional countries.


The selected partner will be expected to sign a 30 month agreement with UNCDF

Publication date: April 29th,2019

Final deadline for applications: May 17th, 2019, 18:00 (GMT+0)


You may send questions to A FAQ document will be generated based on enquiries received on or before May 7th, 2019. The FAQs will be posted on the UNCDF website shortly thereafter.The subject line of the email should read: RFA: ‘Development of a Digital Solution for Entrepreneurs in The Gambia'.

Does the solution have to be open-sourced or are we allowed to propose a solution between “open-source” and “privately owned” by the winning firm?

Yes, the solution can be partially open-source. Please provide details in your proposals.

UNCDF be selecting the FSPs that we will partner with for the program?

Yes, however the applicant can propose partners.

If not, do the FSP partners need to be selected prior to the submission of the application?

No, however, please feel free to propose any partner you might recommend to test your solution.

What commitments are we expecting the FSPs to make for the program?

The FSP will need to test the App with its client base and eventually take on the costs related to the solution developed once the grant is over.

Are we limited to 3 FSPs for partnerships?

For the beginning of the Programme yes; however, the solution needs to offer the possibility to scale up to additional FSPs.

For the RFA mentioned in the header is it okay for submission to add supporting documents of previous work assignments closely related to the project that would demonstrate our experience?


Are we allowed to partner with a micro-finance or bank to apply?

UNCDF will facilitate the relationship with FSPs (03) but applicants are allowed to proposed partnerships. However, the agreement will be signed with the App Developer only.

“Partner Selection Process” section states “minimum 12 months in operation” – Under the same section, there is a request for 3 years’ financial statements. Can we apply if we have been in operation for more than 12 months but less than 3 years?


External auditors – Is this a must? We have unaudited financial statements.

This is fine, however, please submit the unaudited financial statements and specify why your organization has not been audited.

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