State of the Digital Financial Services Market in Sierra Leone 2018
Results from the UNCDF Annual Provider Survey
For the second year in a row, the Bank of Sierra Leone (BSL) and UNCDF have partnered to collect data on the Sierra Leonean DFS market. This Annual Provider Survey is vital to providing industry participants with a comprehensive view of the state of the DFS market in the country. Encompassing DFS-related data on customer adoption, usage and trends, the Survey aims to equip BSL and other regulatory bodies with the information and expertise to better monitor, manage and guide the various DFS providers in the country, while simultaneously offering DFS providers valuable insights into the performance of their products and services relative to the market. In turn, it shall help the country achieve the goals outlined in the National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (2017–2020).
This report provides key insights into the state of the DFS market in Sierra Leone, drawing on data collected through the Annual Provider Survey. The survey was developed and conducted by UNCDF in partnership with BSL.