Calls for Applications

RfA: Mentorship Support and Platform Management - Global

  • September 06, 2019


Deadline to submit the application: September 15, 2019 8pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)

The purpose of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to support UNCDF initiative: The Financial Innovation Lab (herein after referred to as the FinLab), with mentorship and support the set-up of a community of practice. Through this “Request for Applications” UNCDF is looking for an organization who can provide the following expertise:

1. Pool of mentors with specific technical competencies that will help start-ups and incumbent firms to innovate, test new solutions or business models and roll-out them. The mentors provide advise and support on the definition of the business models, design and development of the product/service, partners identification or any other matter related to the business model canvas.
2. Provide an online platforms (it could be more than one, if need be) that would allow the following to be accomplished:
a. Hosting mentors and the online interaction with the FinLab partners, based on the needs set-up by FinLab
b. Hosting and engaging with people who wants to join the community of practiced created around the FinLab
c. Managing and hosting challenges, including running the application process and all the activities leading to the selection of partners for the programme.

Applications and RFA Calendar

Publication date: 16th of August 2019
Deadline to submit the request for clarification: 9 September 2019
Publication of Questions and Answers Document Q&A: 11 September 2019
Final deadline for applications: September 15th, 2019 8pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5).

You may send questions to A FAQ document will be generated based on enquiries received on or before 9 September 2019. The FAQs will be posted on the UNCDF website shortly thereafter.

Applications should be returned to the UNCDF by email at no later than 15 September 2019, 18:00 8pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5).

Applications must follow the submission format as outlined in Annex 2 of this RfA.

  • Publish Date:
    August 16, 2019
  • Application Deadline:
    September 15, 2019