Calls for Applications

RfA - Scoping study on consumer protection in Sierra Leone

  • September 17, 2019

  • Calls for Applications


EXTENDED DEADLINE: September, 24 2019 8pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)

Request for Application (RfA): Scoping study on consumer protection in Sierra Leone

Deadline to submit the application: EXTENDED DEADLINE - September, 24 2019 8pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)

Outcome: A preliminary report with data addressing the following research question: What is the quality of information and support provided by financial services providers (including commercial banks, microfinance institutions, and mobile money service providers) to low‑income customers (including rural, women and youth) in Sierra Leone when choosing retail payments, savings and credit products?

Purpose: To collect primary data to provide baseline information on the current practices of financial service providers in relation to consumer protection (including disclosure and transparency and dispute resolution mechanisms) to inform the Bank of Sierra Leone of any current or emerging risk areas. The study will serve as input for a consumer protection code of conduct/framework for retail financial services providers in Sierra Leone.


  • • Publication date: 3rd September 2019 (deadline extension on September 17, 2019)
  • • Extended deadline for applications: 24 September 2019 8pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)
  • • Project implementation (proposed): 10 October 2019 to 31 March 2020

Applications should be submitted to UNCDF by email at no later than 24 September 2019.

Applications must follow the submission format as outlined in Annex 1 of this RfA.

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