UNCDF Managed Evaluations

Mid-Term Review Financial Inclusion Malawi Project (FIMA)

  • January 10, 2018

  • UNCDF Managed Evaluations


The Financial Inclusion in Malawi Project (FIMA) is a USD 6.2M partnership program between UNCDF, UNDP, and the Government of Malawi (GoM). It was formulated in 2006 and has the overarching objective of supporting the development of inclusive finance sector (IF) to serve the poor.

Given the relatively large number of poor living in rural areas and highly inequitable access to finance for women, FIMA pays particular attention to these groups, albeit not uniquely. FIMA’s design takes a fairly standard UNCDF financial service sector approach (FSSA) to sector development and has programmatic outputs and activities at each of the micro, meso and macro levels.

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