UNCDF Managed Evaluations

Enhancing Access to Financial Services Project (EAFS)

  • January 10, 2018

  • UNCDF Managed Evaluations


UNCDF’s Inclusive Finance pillar fosters working with the three levels that integrate the inclusive finance sector, those being the micro (retail microfinance providers), meso (service providers), and macro (government regulatory and policy), to promote a diversity of financial services provided by a gamut of sustainable institutions that follow appropriate regulations and policies.

The Enhancing Access to Financial Services (EAFS) project was initially based on this vision. The intervention logic at project conception was that improvements in the enabling environment for inclusive finance (the macro level), supported by catalytic investments in Financial Service Providers (FSPs) (the micro level) and supporting industry infrastructure (the meso level), would strengthen selected FSPs, thus improving their ability to provide appropriate products and services to previously unbanked and marginalized populations.

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