UNCDF Managed Evaluations

Final Evaluation Transport and Education Infrastructure in the North-West Dhawran District

  • March 02, 2018

  • UNCDF Managed Evaluations


Upon the Government's request in 1984, UNCDF assistance was provided under project YEM/84/CO1, entitled "Post-Earthquake Housing Reconstruction in the North-West Dhawran Region", for the construction, on a self-help basis of 280 earthquake-resistant houses in very remote and difficult to reach villages.

Prior to the completion of that project, the need for an adequate transport and education infrastructure for the region became apparent; the present project identified in 1986, is, therefore, a follow-up of the housing project.

The project is located in the same geographical region as the previous one. However, it extends into longer-term objectives through improving the social conditions in the area, and by providing access to the nearby road network.

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