Implementation of the GPAR Saravane Project (GPAR SP) began in the Lao fiscal year 2006/2007 and is planned to end in 2009/2010. GPAR SP is executed by the Office of the Governor, Saravane Province under the UNDP’s national execution modality. The aim of GPAR SP is to build the capacity of Saravane province and its districts to provide improved public services that contribute to poverty reduction, and to channel the lessons learned into replication and policy debate through GPAR Central.
The UNCDF has been active in Lao PDR for over twenty years. Since 2004, it has focussed on local development through support for the Governance and Public Administration Reform in Saravane Project (GPAR SP). The GPAR SP is part of an array of projects coordinated by the Governance and Public Administration Reform Programme (GPAR Central), a UNDP funded vehicle that supports the Public Administration and Civil Service Authority (PACSA).