UNCDF Financial Inclusion Practice Area
Location: Dar-es-Salaam and the Kigoma Region, Tanzania
Objective: UNCDF is looking for a partner who will develop and broadcast a TV reality and educational show on financial education and micro-savings laced with tips on good agricultural practices, value addition and marketing for Kigoma smallholder farmers in the beans and maize value chains.
• Publication date: Nov 28, 2019
• Final deadline for applications: December 13, 2019
Expected duration of Assignment: up to 12 months with possibility of renewal
Language required: Kiswahili
Applications should be returned to UNCDF by email at fipa.procurement.tz@uncdf.org no later than midnight on December 13, 2019 East Africa Time (EAT).
The subject line of the email should be:
RFA Video - KJP: Production of financial education and agricultural best practices content for TV and radio audiences in the Kigoma Region and Tanzania
Applications must follow the submission format as outlined in Annex 1 of this RfA. Note that submissions to this address may not exceed 10MB. If size of the application is an issue, a DropBox or Google Drive link is acceptable.
Annex 1 is the Submission Format
Annex 2 is a Sample of UNCDF Language Regarding Proprietary Rights of Knowledge Products