The Anseba Local Development Project (ALDP) is a five-year programme approved in October 2001, and whose implementation commenced in April 2002. The programme is co-funded by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), Belgium Survival Fund (BSF), and the Government of State of Eritrea (GoSE).
The purpose of the Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of the programme, conducted in September and October 2005 was to:
- Review effectiveness and efficiency of progress towards the attainment of project outputs, immediate and development objectives, and the factors affecting results achievement;
- Examine ongoing relevance of project given policy environment and development priorities;
- Assess relevance and effectiveness of UNCDF strategic positioning and partnerships;
- Assess the likely sustainability of programme results;
- Comment on post-project planning/exit strategy; and f) Extract lessons and make recommendations for improvement of the project design, implementation and results achievement.