
Offering youth financial and non-financial services - Module I: Youth Development Programming

  • October 04, 2017

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


For the benefit of other Financial Services Providers (FSPs) and organizations interested in targeting youth, UNCDF-YouthStart decided to compile and publish this series of Trainer’s guides.

The goal is to facilitate the replication of the trainings and to help other FSPs understand key issues, train staff and launch youth-oriented services. Having satisfactorily tested the Trainer’s guides with all ten YouthStart partners in eight different African countries, the team was reassured the guides would also be useful for a wider audience.

This module, ‘Youth Development Programming,’ provides a user-friendly guide to equip FSPs with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to design speci cally youth-oriented programmes. In particular, by the end of this training, they will have:

  1. De ned their target segment(s) of youth and selected a strategy for successfully recruiting them and engaging their families and other critical adults.

  2. Identi ed how to develop leadership and build assets amongst youth in their target segment(s).

  3. Developed a programme plan and an action plan.

The specific topics to be addressed during this module as well as the objectives of each topic are listed in the table ‘Module I: Youth Development Programming.’

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