UNCDF aims to improve the functioning of the remittance market in order to improve the financial health of migrant families while strengthen economic development efforts of the origin and host countries. In doing so, UNCDF engages with public and private sector stakeholders to strengthen the capacity of the regulators to monitor and analyze the remittance transaction data towards evidence-based policy making, enable a conducive policy and regulatory environment and deliver financial and technical assistance to a wide range of financial institutions (e.g., banks, cooperatives, microfinance institutions, money transfer operators and mobile networks operators) to improve the digital remittance ecosystem and design migrant-centric financial products and services (e.g. savings, credit, insurance, payment services, remittances, pension and investment).
As new technologies have emerged in recent decades, a disconnect has grown between the remittance services on the market, the policies that govern them, and the needs and behaviors of migrant populations, which has resulted in limited adoption of digital remittance channels. The opportunity to transition migrants from cash to digital methods for sending money home that are safer, more affordable and more easily tracked, remains largely unrealized. To bridge this gap, UNCDF is committed to working with stakeholders to promote discussion and learning around building enabling ecosystems, designing migrant-centric products and making evidence-based decisions.
UNCDF is seeking an organization to deliver courses (mixed online, offline, offsite) on inclusive digital remittances and financial services for migrants and their families.