The Consolidated Report for the year 2017 encompasses all global programmes funded under the Last Mile Finance Trust Fund (LMF-TF) during the period. The report has been prepared by the Partnerships, Policy and Communications unit of UNCDF based on data obtained from the global programmes funded.
Section 1 provides a strategic overview that includes the context in which the global programmes operate and the financial summary. Section 2 provides a more detailed report for each global programme. The sections contain the following elements: 1) Background and Objectives; 2) Results, 3) Results Framework; 4) Financial Report; 5) Delays and challenges during the period; 6) Lessons learned; 7) Resources; and 7) Other assessments or evaluations (if applicable). Certified financial reports will also be submitted separately for each programme.
The Last Mile Finance Trust Fund (LMFTF) is a multi-partner funding vehicle to bring innovative finance solutions to the maximum number of LDCs as they pursue the achievement of the SDGs and their graduation targets. This trust fund builds on the successful four-year experience with the Partnership Framework for Global Initiatives for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development (PFIS) 2012-2015, supported by the Swedish Agency for International Development (Sida), the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). The LMFTF mechanism provides a flexible vehicle for partners to support the LDCs in a range of key areas.