Calls for Applications

RFA: Engagement of Private sector partner to pilot an Agri information service for Nepali smallholders in COVID-19 context

  • October 20, 2020

  • Calls for Applications


UNCDF launched its Digital Finance interventions in Nepal in 2013 and focused on creating an inclusive environment for inception and scale up of digital financial services. UNCDF has been supporting the digital financial service providers, banks and other stakeholders in the country to develop an inclusive digital finance eco-system.

Within its new Global digital strategy and as part of its global efforts on on-going agriculture interventions in Nepal, UNCDF plans to implement a project as part of COVID-19 response to support smallholders gains access to timely and accurate information on Agri related aspects such as weather, technical inputs, commodity prices, etc.

Our learnings highlight that data connectivity is critical challenges in implementing and scaling similar app-based services.

In this context, UNCDF invites applications from private sector organizations to design offer such a service on SMS/USSD based platforms. The project objective is to create learning on adoption and usage behavior of smallholders for such a service. These learning will help develop business case to drive similar interventions at large scale.

Download the documents on this page to read the RFA and submission formats.

All applications must be submitted via email by November 4, 2020, 23:59 EST to

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