
Local Development Finance : Dual Key Investment Committee Terms of Reference

  • February 05, 2021

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


UNCDF’s LDFP is a center of excellence and innovative fund for local government finance and local economic development finance in the world’s 47 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). LDF promotes and supports transformative investments through local governments and domestic financial institutions (banks, pension funds) in LDCs by piloting and scaling up innovative financing mechanisms and policies in the public and private sectors.

LDF revenue-generating investments bridge financial gaps for local development and deliver measurable impact on climate change resilience, clean energy, women’s economic empowerment, food security, land restoration and other themes, thereby contributing to local economic growth and improvement in people’s quality of life at the grassroots level. LDF revenue-generating investments are targeted for domestic banks, concessional funders and impact investors. The purpose of UNCDF support is to unlock these sources of finance by de-risking the investments.

To ensure the selected investments meet both financial and thematic impact requirements, according to measurable indicators, the LDF Investment Committee needs to be established to provide oversight on the investments and support the decision-making process on seed capital grants, bond purchases, loans and guarantees (subject to inputs from LDCIP) and other financial support provided to these investments.

For more information please contact:

Mohammad Abbadi
Senior Investment Officer, UNCDF

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