
GrEEn Success Story, Sekyeredumasi District Assembly

  • March 18, 2021

  • Acra, Ghana

Using COVID-19 support directed to Ghana’s metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies, the GrEEn project has established a mechanized borehole in Kobiriti. This has freed community members of the laborious activity associated with fetching water.

Adiza Sulemani is a 37-year-old woman with four children. She has been living in the Kobiriti community in the Sekyeredumasi District since moving from Accra two years ago. Kobiriti has four handpumped borehole facilities. When two of these broke down, it left only two functioning boreholes for a population of just over 200. The older residents found it difficult to operate the manual handpump and sometimes had to ask the neighborhood children to help them fill their water containers.

Now Adiza, says that the water from the mechanized borehole is “sweeter” than that previously pumped in the community, which is salty and undrinkable. Like the rest of the community, Adiza is quite pleased with the mechanized borehole brought to Kobiriti by UNCDF through the GrEEn project.

The “Boosting Green Employment and Enterprise Opportunities in Ghana – (GrEEn)” is a four-year action from the European Union, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ghana, UNCDF and SNV. The project aims at creating greater economic and employment opportunities for youth, women and returning migrants by promoting and supporting sustainable, green businesses in selected regions (Ashanti and Western). GrEEn is implemented under the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) for Africa.

GrEEn will contribute to addressing the root causes of irregular migration by supporting sustainable and climate resilient local economies, green jobs and development in regions of departure, transit and return. The objective of GrEEn is to create local financial ecosystems that facilitate the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and enable the transition of local economies to green and climate resilient development.

Read more GrEEn success stories HERE