Local Governments and Climate Change (LGCC) is implemented by NCDDS and is supported by UNCDF as a national pilot of the global Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) project.
As a pilot of LoCAL, LGCC is designed to demonstrate the role of Local Governments in fostering climate change resilience and to identify practical ways to mainstream Climate Change Resilience into SubNational planning and finance systems. The first phase of LGCC was financed by CCCA-Trust Fund in 2011-2012. With financing from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Phase 2 of LGCC (2013-2014) continues to work with the three local administrations in Takeo Province and expands to five Districts in Battambang.
This report is prepared by UNCDF for submission to SIDA and describes progress in implementation of LGCC Phase 2 during the first year of operations December 2012 – November 2013.