Technical Workshop to Discuss The Proposed COAs and Business Plan for Social Protection in Lao PDR
The workshop on Charts of Account (COA) and Business Plan (BP SP)/Fund Options for Social Protection was jointly organized by UNCDF and Ministry of Labor and Social Wefare (MoLSW) on 28-29 June 2021 (08:00-12:30pm each day). There are 2 separate but interrelated topics of discussion.
Day 1: Consultation on final draft of Charts of Account (Nomenclature) for Social Protection
The workshop was chaired and opened by Mr. Leepao YANG, Head of Permanent Office, MoLSW and co-chaired by Mr. Matthew Idan Johnson, Senior Economist from UNRCO. There were 35 participants including officials at Director General and Deputy Director General and technical staff from MoLSW and concerned line ministries, MoF COA committees, and representatives from WB, EU, IMF, ILO, UNICEF, UNCDF, UNRCO and UNDP. The main objective of the theme was to present and discuss the updated version of the listing expenditures and revenues to match the law, strategy and budget for social protection. Then, the list of the nomenclature for MoSWL expenditure and revenue will be developed into a policy advisory paper (jointly) and submit to MoLSW for their internal process given their mandate.
Day 2: Consultation on latest version of BP and Fund Options for Social Protection
Similarly, the workshop was chaired and opened by Mr. Leepao Yang, Head of Permanent Office, MoLSW. The 2nd day was participated by around 30 participants from MoLSW relevant departments, UNJP Secretariat members, members from technical team, senior and technical officials from relevant line ministries, MoF COA committees, representatives from Lao Securities Commission Office (LSCO), Lao Securities Exchange (LSX), WB, EU, IMF, UNRCO, ILO, UNICEF, UNCDF including consultancy teams. Similar to Day 1, the objective of the 2nd day workshop was to present, discuss and update to improve the Business Plan for Social Protection and Options for NSPF proposed by the TA team thus the latest version will be shared with the MoLSW for further internal process. The window of opportunities for future TA support needed by the MoLSW will be also discussed and planned for the next steps of the engagement under this UNJP.
The workshop was officially closed by Mr. Leepao YANG, Head of Permanent Office, MoLSW at the end of the workshop and the workshop was adjourned at 12:00pm.
For more information:
Thilaphong Oudomsine
Programme Specialist
Paul Martin
Regional Technical Advisor