A New Tool for Digital Transformation in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso is moving forward with its plan for digital transformation.
Numerous efforts have been made by the government for digital transformation under the leadership of the Minister of Digital Economy, Postal Services and Digital Transformation, Hadja Fatimata Ouattara. To understand the state of this transformation, a study was carried out with the technical and financial support of UNCDF and the Luxembourg Development Cooperation.
The inclusive digital economy scorecard (IDES) is a policy tool to help governments set their digital transformation priorities. This tool identifies the key market constraints hindering the development of an inclusive digital economy and helps to set the right priorities with public and private stakeholders to foster a digital economy that leaves no one behind.
Burkina Faso, together with Uganda, Nepal and Solomon Islands are the first countries to pilot the IDES. Between October 2020 and February 2021, UNCDF worked in collaboration with the Burkinabe Ministry of Digital Economy, Postal Services and Digital Transformation to develop the IDES report.
On 18 February 2021, Sabine Mensah, Regional Manager of Inclusive Digital Economies for West and Central Africa, the UNCDF country team, and Mathieu Ciowela, UNDP Resident Representative officially delivered the IDES Report to the Minister of Digital Economy, Postal Services and Digital Transformation, Hadja Fatoumata Ouattara in Ouagadougou. The report concluded that by the end of 2020, Burkina Faso was in the start-up stage in the development of its digital economy. The government is working to reinforce a favourable regulatory environment, to support the private sector to continue developing mass digital services within the telecommunications and finance industries to strengthen the infrastructure required for further development. Digital inclusivity is low (39 percent), which indicates that the majority of Burkinabe people do not have equitable access to basic digital services.
The IDES report essentially builds on four components of an inclusive digital economy: Policy and regulation, infrastructure, innovation and skills. These are the components evaluated to give a general state of the country’s digital economy.
Policy and Regulation: Relative progress is made at this level (68 percent). The regulatory framework necessary to support digital transformation is being put in place. The government shows political willingness to stimulate the development of an inclusive digital economy.
Infrastructure: Digital infrastructure includes elements such as identification, network coverage, appropriate open API systems and digital payments. Development in this regard is still low in Burkina Faso (score at 37 percent). This is due to the low levels of smartphone penetration, Internet usage and a lack of open and interoperable payment systems.
Innovation: The innovation ecosystem is at an early phase (32 percent). This shows that there are low levels of work when it comes to innovation within Burkina Faso. The existing fintechs and start-ups are confronted with challenges such as lack of investment and access to finance.
Skills: To have a solid and promising digital economy, users need to have digital skills and competencies. In Burkina Faso, the score for skills is at 26 percent, showing limited progress. This is due to low levels of financial, digital and basic literacy skills.
To learn more, read the full publication available here
According to Joseph Senninger, representative from the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, he states that Burkina Faso is in a good dynamic where digital development is concerned. He thanked UNCDF for carrying out the study and for having associated the Grand Duke of Luxembourg in the development of the report.
« Digital technologies provide numerous opportunities »
Mathieu Ciowela from UNDP commented on the importance of digital technologies in the development of a country. « Digital technologies provide numerous opportunities. It is transversal and an inevitable pathway in development, » he mentioned.
UNCDF regional manager for inclusive digital economies Sabine Mensah gave her remarks to thank on one hand the Burkinabe authorities and on the other the Luxembourg Development Cooperation. The first for their time, engagement, and supportive stance on digital technologies as an important lever in economic and social development, and the second for their financial support for UNCDF to support the implementation of government priorities.
Recommendations were made in the report to reinforce the process for digital transformation in Burkina Faso. Among them, the establishment of a collaboration forum between key stakeholders, the implementation of a national digital identity card, sectorial strategy mapping and elaborative action plans to reinforce the digital skills of the population are some recommendations cited from the report.
The minister in charge of digital transformation, Hadja Fatimata Ouattara Sanon, indicated that the report serves as a barometer in the processes engaged. « It’s important to see that we have laid the first bricks for our transformation. Our country has started a good rhythm of digital development because we can already see some results» she stated. Among the actions lead by her department, Ouattara cited the implementation of resolutions, sector frameworks, incubator recruitment to support start-ups to name a few.
Francois Coupienne, Global Digital Lead at UNCDF reiterated his thanks to the Government of Burkina Faso for their precursory role in the adoption of IDES as a tool for the development of the digital economy of the country. UNCDF will work with the Government of Burkina Faso in the coming years to help the country move towards an inclusive digital economy with a focus on women, youth and MSMEs.