
Webinar - Inclusive Digital Economies Scorecard in Nepal

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The inclusive digital economy scorecard (IDES) is a policy tool to help governments set their digital transformation priorities. This tool identifies the key market constraints hindering the development of an inclusive digital economy and helps to set the right priorities with public and private stakeholders to foster a digital economy that leaves no one behind.

The IDES provides an overall score for the development of a digital economy based on several indicators for its main components – policy and regulation, infrastructure, innovation and skills. It also provides score for the inclusiveness of the digital economy for marginalized segments (rural population, women, youth, micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises [MSMEs], refugees, older people and people with disabilities). The inclusiveness of the digital economy is measured primarily through the qualitative assessment of the efforts made by the public and private sectors to include specific segments in the expansion of the digital economy.

Nepal was one of the pilot countries for the IDES in 2020 – together with Burkina Faso, Solomon Islands and Uganda. The Government of Nepal and most particularly the National Planning Commission and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MoCIT) were instrumental in reviewing the tool and finalizing the 2019–2020 version of the IDES. In June 2020, a broader consultation meeting with the National Planning Commission, the MoCIT, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture was held to receive feedback from ministries on different aspects of the IDES.

Download the IDES Nepal Report here

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