
Vanuatu Electronic Police Clearance Certificate: Feasibility and solution design document

  • July 21, 2021

  • Publications, guides and communication materials


Digitizing public services can allow governments to better meet the needs and expectations of the public and improve efficiency by significantly reducing administrative burden and backlogs - streamlining processes and enabling the delivery of critical services in a more convenient and timely manner.

This document explores the feasibility of digitizing the issuance process of the police clearance certificate in Vanuatu. It provides a solution design that offers a safe and convenient way for users (PCC applicants) to get PCCs while allowing the Vanuatu Police Force (VPF) streamlined internal coordination to conduct the verifications and issue the certificate. The proposed solution should improve both the efficiency (e.g., processing time) and effectiveness.

Findings from this document are utilized under the newly launched Pacific Digital Economic Programme (PDEP) to plan and implement activities that help in enabling inclusive digital economies in the Pacific.

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